— medicare set-aside —

As an instrumental part of your settlement, the MSA allocates the future Medical and Prescription costs for the lifetime of the claimant. At Marker 28 we perform an in-depth review of each claim. Our qualified and skilled Life Care Planners will calculate the future costs related to the Industrial/Liability Injury.

The MSA will include Rated Age, Conditional Payment Research, Submissions Recommendations, and a full review of the cost-drivers in the WCMSA.

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— conditional payment investigation —

In order to comply with the MSP guidelines, addressing Conditional Payments is a crucial part of compliance. At Marker 28 we have a team in place to assist in all aspects of the Conditional Payment Process. From Searches to Disputes and Appeals, we have you covered.

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— future medical cost projection (FMCP) —

A Future Medical Cost Projection (FMCP) is a detailed comprehensive analysis of an individual’s medical needs and expenses over a projected period or a lifetime. This projection is utilized in setting reserves. In addition to the FMCP allocation, we provide recommendations to potentially reduce the claim costs.

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— legal nurse review (LNR) —

— medical bill review (MBR) —

A Legal Nurse Review (LNR) is an interpretation of medical records, documents and medical-legal issues to determine the strengths and weaknesses of a case. LNRs are used to assist in preparing for settlement and are completed by a Legal Nurse Consultant Certified (LNCC).

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— pulse report —

Marker 28 is simplifying the settlement process for all types of claims with our proprietary Pulse Report. Let us take a “Pulse” on your claims by identifying Future Medical Costs and move your claim toward settlement.

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